

Performed live at: The Brick Theater’s THE FILM FESTIVAL: A THEATER FESTIVAL, Brooklyn, NY, June 13 and 28, 2008; UNDER St. Marks, New York, NY on April 12-14 and 19-21, 2007.

An Introduction, April 14th, 2007

A brief introduction to the Integrated Research Consortium (INRECO) and it’s staff; Dr. W discusses why a paranoids’ examination of history may now be necessary.


got war? April 12th, 2007

got war? April 19th, 2007

A brief his­to­ry and ex­am­i­na­tion of war’s role in the dark­er side of hu­man his­to­ry and as a so­cial force be­yond the bat­tle­field.

Dr. W lec­tures, Mr. L is at the pi­ano and Mr. J pro­vides the video ac­com­pa­ni­ment. Ms. V shoots and Dave the in­tern pro­vides vi­su­al bal­ance.


Consumer Society Made Easy, April 13th, 2007

Consumer Society Made Easy, April 24th, 2007

Ten thou­sand years of hu­man de­vel­op­ment have at last pro­duced the com­bi­na­tion bagel toast­er & egg poach­er (take that, Angkor Wat and Sphinx!). The fi­nal vic­to­ry of planned ob­so­les­cence?

IN­RE­CO’s Dr. W lec­tures ac­com­pa­nied by Mr. L on pi­ano and a live video mix com­posed by Mr. J. Ms. V shot cam­era and Dave the in­tern is on hand for any even­tu­al­i­ty


Inside the Entertainment-Industrial Complex April 21, 2007

Eisenhower cautioned us against the military one; if only Orson Welles had warned us about this vastly more insidious assemblage.

Dr. W. lectures with musical accompaniment by Mr. L and a live video mix by Mr. J. Ms. V shot the footage and Dave the intern is ready for all emergencies.


Burning Bushes, Golden Tablets, Monsters, & Other Oddities. April 14, 2007

An inquiry into the phenomenon of theophany.

INRECO’s Dr. W elaborates with musical ambience by Mr. L. Ms. V shot camera and Dave the intern was on hand for the occasional crisis.

Feeling nervous? We can help.