10712833_732031206884584_3044830361777117615_n“Tampa Bay Underground Film Festival has been SPLENDID so far. Actual human beings, apparently! Right there in my inbox. And I’ve find my interest in the film itself has been piqued, looked at it today, was struck again by its primitive feel, as if no one had actually bothered to direct it, yet I quite enjoyed it. Larissa: Yes, it’s like— Me: Fauvist, fauvoid… Larissa: Rousseau… Me: Yes! But Rousseau—don’t you think he was at least consistent within a harmonious palette, while our film’s director… Larissa: Like what do you call it when an animal dies on a highway— Me: Roadkill. Larissa: Roadkill cubism. Me: That’s harsh . . . Well surely only elks, gazelles…?”

— Lawrence Krauser, director, Wendell and the Lemon

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